Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson


Dante recommended I read his favourite author so I started on of the books he had at his place but it didn’t grab me.  Then he brought down Way of Kings and I was in by the second page.

I ordered it from the library of course and away it went ....all 1200 pages devoured in a few days.  Fast paced adventure.  Exciting fight scenes and magic.

Brandon Sanderson has matured in his delivery and does not insult his readers intelligence by describing the ordinary.  I think you can safely assume that what he doesn’t describe is pretty mundane and not relavent to the story line.  

Great read.

Friday, June 20, 2014

The Joy of Hate by Greg Gutfeld

Wow, this guy says it like it is.  His libertarian views are somewhat extreme but if you can follow his logic - he makes common sense.  Our world is run on an ideal of tolerance right now.  If you aren't tolerant you are the scum of the earth.

He speaks out about the muslim culture and gay rights.  It's the attitude that everyone is certainly allowed (and really must ) have an opinion about.  But lets just live side by side and not bug each other about it.

Oh, yeah, and he's funny too.

freeways, overpasses, highways

Here's a quote from the introduction - see you don't even have to read very far to get this one.

'That's the funny thing about tolerance:  it's actually an avenue for bad behaviour, instead of respect for the good stuff.  It's why, in the name of tolerance, there are so many mass murderers in the world running countries.  We have now made it a rule to respect those who refuse to respect us.'  - Greg Gutfeld   'The Joy of Hate'

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

eleanor & park

Author Rainbow Rowell is masterful in her portrayal of young love.  She has a way of making it so immediate to my 50-plus ears.  Especially because a lot of the story happens on a school bus.  Those of us who rode on one can relate.  The clique-i-ness of the back of the bus kids.  The unspoken assigned seats....

Two unlikely young people capable of living outside their odd home lives and forging a relationship....very cool

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mary by Janis Cooke Newman

This is a fascinating book about the life of Mrs. Abe Lincoln.  Not being american I didn't know about her other than her existence.

Regarding her first sight of Abe, 'the ugliest man upon which I had ever laid eyes,'  How could it be worse after that...?
Apparently she was the first to be called the First Lady.

I liked how she took a list of statistics of a woman who lost 3 children, loved seances, loved shopping....

And changed her from a pariah living in an insane assylum into a believable and misunderstood character.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Baby & Kids Quilts (Best of Fons & Porter)

Super cute baby quilts, wouldn't you know it came from Fons & Porter.  I hate their website but love their shows and now apparently their books.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Super-cute Pincushions/Shape Workshop for Quilters

Ok, both worth a quick look.

The pincushions are really of cute but who is going to make all those peas for the pod??

ShapeWorkshop for Quilters from Fat Quarterly the e-zine folks.  It's interesting but just for looking...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Jesus by Deepak Chopra

Very nice.  He takes a difficult perhaps intimidating personage to write about but he's already done Buddha so I guess he's OK with it.